Saturday, June 15, 2013

The "Kimye" baby has arrived!

Kim Kardashian gives birth

Happy early father's day goes out to Kanye West! Kim Kardashian has delivered her baby girl sometime today after being checked into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in West Hollywood early this morning. She supposedly went to the hospital after getting sick last night. No word yet on what time she had the baby, the name of the child, or how much the baby weighted. I am going to say I think the baby is probably a little on the small side since Kim delivered the baby five weeks before her due date. Luckily a hospital source says the two are doing great and everything is good. Kanye West was there by Kim's side for the whole thing which is great to hear. Now we have to see if we get to see any of this action on the current season of "Keeping Up With The Kardasians"? I know Kim and Kanye have said the baby will not be in the spotlight but we will see if this is true or not. Congrats to the new parents, we all can't wait to see the new bundle!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"Wizard Of Oz" Back In Theaters

"Wizard Of Oz" turns 75!

The classic movie "Wizard Of Oz" will be celebrating its 75th anniversary this year and to celebrate it is going to be re-released in theaters for a week beginning September 20th. Not only will it be back in theaters but it will be shown in IMAX 3-D which will be fun to watch for everyone who goes and sees the classic. An amazing looking 5 disc collectors addition DVD set with many extra goodies will come out on October 1st to celebrate the anniversary as well. I think this is an awesome way to celebrate this timeless film that people have loved generation after generation. I love how classic films like this get to come back in theaters even if it is for such a short time. If you can't wait till September to get your Oz fix the prequel film Disney's "Oz The Great And Powerful" (which is great if you haven't seen it) just came out on DVD yesterday. Everyone should go check it out. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Star Trek Into Darkness" Review

My review of "Star Trek Into Darkness"


Last weekend I made it out to the theaters to check out the new Star Trek film "Star Trek Into Darkness" and had to say it was pretty good. The story was good and kept you interested and wanting to see what would happen next for sure. Captain Kirk and his right hand man Mr.Spock seek revenge against the villain Khan who has killed many people including their old mentor Admiral Pike. While trying to take down Khan many things go wrong which basically makes Captain Kirk and Mr.Spock have to keep saving each other every couple of scenes. Because of this I left feeling like it was one of the biggest "bro-mance" movies ever. Every time one would save the other they would tell each other they love them and tears were shed  so sometimes it was a bit much (ok maybe not every time but it felt like it), though looking at Chris Pines (Captain Kirks) pretty blue eyes made it all acceptable. I feel like J.J. Abrams did great with kind of keeping the movie current but keeping some aspects of the older series as well which I am sure fans appreciate. Seeing the movie made me think about what we will all be in for when he delivers the newest "Star Wars" film in 2015. I have a feeling he will do great. Check out this preview of "Star Trek Into Darkness" if you haven't already seen the movie. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Top Five

Top five stories from this week 

1. Congrats has to go out to the smaller of the Duggar families, Josh and Anna Duggar who just welcomed their third child into the world. They had a little boy and named him Marcus Anthony Duggar (hmm I wonder if they are Marc Anthony fans??). Marcus joins big sister Mackynzie who is 3 1/2 and brother Michael who is 2. This will not be the last Duggar baby we see I am sure. 

2. Congrats also go out to Jay Cutler and Kristen Cavallari (Or shall I say Kristen Cutler) who just tied the knot today. These two have been engaged since April 2011 and have a ten month old son named Camden. The two got married in Tennessee in front of around 150 guest. I wish them all the best. 

3. Amy Poehler, who has been seperated from her ex-husband Will Arnett since September of last year has officially stepped out into the spot light with comedian Nick Kroll confirming their relationship with each other. I say good for Amy! It is always great seeing someone who seems like a great person being happy. I hope they are happy and having a great time together. 

4. You know how American's love to watch train wrecks and reality shows well get ready for this one, Bristol Palin and her sister Willow will be trading places with Joan Rivers and her daughter Melissa in a fun episode of "Celebrity Wife Swap". I can only imagine what is going to be said and done on this show. Joan and Melissa will be watching Bristol's son while Bristol and Willow will be watching Melissa's son. The episode is set to air June 23rd at 8pm EST on ABC. 

5. In more serious news I want to send out lots of love to Paris Jackson who attempted suicide this week and is now recovering and is doing physically better they say. I feel very bad for this young girl who has had basically her wold turned upside down since the passing of her father Michael Jackson. Let's hope she is getting the help she needs and is actually on the road to recovery. Hang in there Paris!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hollywood Baby Craze

Babies, babies everywhere

As usual many of Hollywood's elite are getting ready to add new bundles of joy to their families though I feel like there are many women who are due all at the same time this year. So lets take a look at who just had a baby, who just announced they are expecting a baby and who is just about ready to pop!

Congrats go out to Mr. and Mrs. Channing Tatum who just welcomed their first child into the world this past week in London. They had a little girl and named her Everly Tatum. I know some people have had mixed emotions about this name but I think it is adorable and I bet this baby is going to be beautiful just like her name (I mean come on look at her parents I am sure she will be gorgeous). Both mama and baby are doing great and I wish them all the best. 

Congrats also goes out to Jennifer Love-Hewitt and her new fiance/co-star Brian Hallisay. Jennifer is supposedly 3 months along with her first child. I wish them all the best. I am sure they will be make great parents. 

Now to talk about those women who are just about ready to pop..... 

Jessica Simpson who is pregnant with her second baby twitted this picture the other day showing us she is just about done being pregnant. She also might be losing her mind a little haha. She is having  a son this time around and is planning on naming him Ace. Jessica's due date isn't till the begining of August so sadly this mama has a couple more weeks to go, so hang in there Jess. 

Then you have Kim K who has finally confirmed what we all already knew, that she is in fact having a baby girl with her baby daddy Kanye West. This photo was taken this past weekend at her beautiful baby shower. Kim's due in early July so she is in the home stretch with one month to go. Luckily she just finalized her divorce so when she has her little bundle she will not legally be married to Kris Humphries. Personally I can not wait to see what they name this kid because you know it is going to be kind of out there. Truthfully though I wish her all the best. 

And finally we have the most exciting of them all Duchess Kate who  has looked amazing throughout her whole entire pregnancy and is due sometime in mid July. She has been all over the place during her pregnancy and has looked so graceful and beautiful the entire time. I am sure when she gives birth the whole world will be celebrating the birth of the future monarch. Even though they have not revealed what she is having I have a feeling it will be a girl and I could see them making her middle name Diana after Williams late mother. I just can't wait to see what the new royal baby will look like. I am sure it will be adorable.