Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street Review

"The Wolf of Wall Street" Review 

A few weeks ago I went to see the newest Martin Scorsese film "The Wolf of Wall Street" and even though I liked the movie over all I left the theater feeling like it was all a bit much. The fact that I was sitting next to my aunt and uncle during the film (which I would not have done had I known how the movie was going to be) didn't help. I think the fact that I left feeling like the movie was a bit much was exactly what Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio wanted me to be feeling. The movie is based off the true story of a man named Jordan Belfort who goes basically from rags to riches by working in the stock market and maybe not doing everything in the most legal way. It shows how someone who becomes so idolized by his co-workers and has an extreme amount of money can go a little crazy. Of coarse it takes more that just those two things to make the movie a tale of an extreme life you have to add lots of drugs, many illegal activities, a crazy amount of sex, and a record number of f-bombs (the movie has 506 f-bombs in it's 3 hour time span). I have never seen so much vagina in a film that's for sure. Even though a bit extreme I feel like the story was good and the acting was really good. Leo plays an excellent crazy person with lots of power (as he usually does) and Jonah Hill is amazing and used his usual dry humor to keep the audience laughing. One of my favorite performances in the movie was from newcomer Margot Robbie who is from Australia though you wouldn't know from her Jersey accent in the movie. Being a younger actor it was very impressive to see her hold her own to Leo and play such a powerful character. All in all I say see the movie (just not with your parents or aunts or uncles and really not grandparents) and be prepared to see a lot of sex, drugs, and hear a lot of bad language. 


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