Saturday, November 7, 2015

Who Should Play Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show?

Super Bowl 50 Halftime, Who should perform? 

Superbowl 50 is only a couple of months away and even though we have no idea who is going to make it to the big game, there is already some chatter on who we will be seeing perform in the halftime show. 

 The one band that has been mentioned to be in talks about performing for the halftime show if Maroon 5. After multiple years of having older acts like The Rolling Stones, The Who, and Paul McCartney (not saying these guys aren't great they are legends) they started bringing more current people to perform like Bruno Mars and Katy Perry which has boosted ratings substantially. This is why I see why they would want to go with someone like Maroon 5, especially with how big of a name Adam Levine is, but is it the right choice?? I am going to say we can do better. This isn't just any Super Bowl, this is Super Bowl 50!! I think with it being such a big year they should do something BIG. 

When I look back on what I feel was the best Super Bowl performance of all time I always go back to the year 2001 when they had Aerosmith and N'SYNC sing a couple of their own songs and then a duet of walk this way where than Mary J. Blige, Nelly, and Britney Spears came out. I mean that was crazy and amazing. They need to pull out all of the stops where they don't just bring the legends, but they bring the biggest and brightest of today out there. Could you imagine having The Rolling Stones sing with One Direction and Paul McCartney with Nick Jonas and Cher with Taylor Swift, etc. I mean I just feel they could make half time crazy and epic if they wanted to instead of just bringing in Maroon 5. 

Speaking of Taylor Swift why is no one reaching out to that chick?? She just put on one of the biggest concert tours ever and every night she did multiple duets with the biggest names in music. Even if they don't want her to perform someone should be asking her what she would put on if she was in charge because I am sure she can call up a few of her friends and make it happen. I know, I know people are a little over the T. Swift 1989 train, but why not let her end things with a bang and then she can just go back to one of her homes and snuggle with her cats while baking and making cute crafts to share with us on instagram. 

I guess in the next couple months we will find out who is in fact performing for the Super Bowl 50th halftime show and whoever they do pick I just ask they put on one hell of a show. I will leave you with my favorite Super Bowl performance of all time though, enjoy!!


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