Monday, March 4, 2013

"Life Of Pi"

My Review of "Life Of Pi"

"Life of Pi" is the amazing story of a young man who goes on a crazy, unplanned and dangerous journey and lives to tell the tale. We start off by learning about a little boy from India named Pi who is very curious and awkward. He lives with his parents and brother at a zoo that his family owns. As he gets older he becomes very interested in every religion he comes in contact with and starts to follow them all. When Pi becomes a little older, starts to fit in and falls for a girl his family informs him they are moving to Canada and will be taking their animals to America to sell. Due to the animals they take a giant cargo ship to travel from India to America. While on their journey they hit a bad storm which sinks the ship and leaves Pi the only human to survive. While on his life boat he discovers he is not alone he has a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a tiger. As anyone could imagine this does not work well as a combo on a boat in the middle of the ocean. It soon becomes survival of the fittest and one animal soon remains with Pi (the tiger). Watching Pi learn to live a life at sea sharing space with a tiger was crazy and with the wonderful work of director Ang Lee and his team you believe this guy is on a boat with a tiger. During their ordeal we see many beautiful, amazing, and unbelievable sights. Eventually after a decent amount of time Pi reaches land but quickly realizes the island is not a safe place to be so he heads back out to sea and when he once again finds land he is rescued and Pi and the tiger part ways. He takes this journey with him for the rest of his life and tells others of his journey though I am sure most people would not believe him. I recommend this movie since the story is unique and very interesting to watch and the movie was shot in such a beautiful way that it is a joy to see. 


  1. I saw some of the scenes that looked amazing. I'm thinking it's a lot like the Tom Hanks movie where it was mostly silent. I guess I will find out when I watch it.

  2. No it isn't like "Castaway" he is talking during it and you see how he survives. let me know what you think when you see it.
