Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Gangster Squad" Review

Review of "Gangster Squad" 

Last week I finally took the time to see the film "Gangster Squad" and I will say I thought it was great. It had all of my favorite things 1940's glam, old time Hollywood sets, plenty of  action, and of coarse the beautiful Ryan Gosling. The story is about a mobster named Mickey Cohen (played by Sean Penn) who with his nasty schemes and power is trying to corrupt and take over Los Angeles. While he has tainted most of the police force in the area some cops are not going to let this mob king take over their town. A team of guys (or a gangster squad shall I say) get together to bring Mickey down and take Los Angeles back. Josh Brolin plays Sgt. John O'Mara and he is the head of the team along four other guys including Sgt. Jerry Wooters played by Ryan Gosling. The casting in the movie was spot on Sean Penn plays the perfect scary villain who isn't going to take anything laying down. Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling play great 1940's cops that are ready to kick some ass. And you also have the lovely Emma Stone playing the love interest of both Sean and Ryan (you can imagine how that goes) but she does a wonderful job playing the role. Personally I think seeing her with Ryan in a movie is always great. The movie takes you on a great ride and leaves you feeling victorious seeing good trump evil in the end. I suggest everyone check this movie out if you haven't already seen it. Here is the trailer to entice you a little more. 

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