Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ups and Downs For The Cast of "Glee"

Big News Coming From The "Glee" Cast 

This past week there has been a lot of news coming from the cast of "Glee" some good and some not so good and it all leaves us wondering what is going to happen to the beloved show. 

Cory Monteith, who plays Finn, checked into rehab this week for substance addiction. Cory has said in interviews that in the past he has had problems with his addiction to drugs. To me it always seemed like that was apart of his past and not something he is battling now so I was surprised to hear that he was checking himself into rehab. With Cory going into rehab everyone now wants to know what will happen with Finn's character on the show and if he will be well enough in time to return before they finish the season. I think the most important thing to look at here is that it is great he is getting help and getting healthy. We all hope he has a speedy recovery. 

In happier news everyone's favorite dumb blond cheerleader (Britney S. Pears) is pregnant! Ok well not Britney but the actress who plays her, Heather Morris, is expecting her first child with her boyfriend Taylor Hubbell whom she has been with since she was in high school. Supposedly she is three months along already and is starting to show. I don't know how they are going to use this in the show, though I am sure since they are almost done with season four they wont mention it and just hide the baby bump as best they can. The bigger question is what does season five hold for Britney or for anyone for that matter. 

Right now the future of "Glee" seems very unsure and I don't think these two stories help at all. Many FOX shows have already received the green light on coming back in the fall but there is still no word if the kids of McKinley High will come back. There is some talk they will stop focusing on the school in Ohio and just move the location of the show to NYC and focus on the stories of characters like Rachel and Kurt and I am sure bring more characters in like Finn and Blaine and introduce some new characters like they have done every season. Personally I feel like this show has always had such a great script and I would be sad to see it not be on the air anymore so lets hope they figure everything out so come fall we are still getting to sing along with the "Glee" cast. 

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