Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Lincoln" Review

My Review of "Lincoln" 

"Lincoln" is the beautifully told story of Abraham Lincoln starting his second term in office while trying to pass the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery and put an end to the Civil War. Watching this man fight for something he so passionately believed in was inspiring. Though seeing the political parties so divided over something like race made me see that we might not have come as far as we thought we did since the days of President Lincoln. I will say even though this was a very good movie there were times in it where it was a little slow going and it felt like I was watching an old man sitting on a bench just telling me old stories about things, otherwise it was good. 

 Daniel Day-Lewis does an amazing job as Lincoln. Knowing what his normal voice sounds like and what he normally looks like it is crazy to see how this man transformed into President Lincoln. You feel that he believes everything is saying with every fiber of his being. I am sure his performance will earn him another well deserved Academy Award at this years Oscars. 

President Lincolns wife is played by the extremely talented Sally Field. She can put so much emotion into a role and does so while playing Mary Todd Lincoln that you feel her pain and sadness from the hard things she endured in her life. Sally is nominated for best supporting actress for this years Oscars though she isn't favored right now. Many think Anne Hathaway will take home the honors. 

Tommy Lee Jones does a great job at playing the republican congressional leader Thaddeus Stevens. He is such a key part of getting the 13 Amendment passed which makes him a main part of the movie and it's story line. Many have him favored to take home the Oscar for best supporting actor, though I think it will go to Christoph Waltz from "Django Unchained" 

"Lincoln" is nominated for best picture at the Oscars and many think it might take home the big prize. Though some are starting to think "Argo" might get it now. We shall see who gets it. 

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